Want to last longer in bed ? Need some viagra, cialis, valium or god knows
what other kind of drugs ? These days most mailboxes are invaded by such nasty
spams... Today YOU have a chance to fight the pills invasion and keep your
system clear from all these threats ! But you'll have to be fast, VERY fast as
only true fighters can prevent the seemingly unstoppable spreading of coloured
POOZ offer a rather wide range of modes you are truly invited to visit, esp if
you plan to unlock all goodies :) Be it alone or with a friend, we are proud
to offer you a variety of ways to kill pills !
Simply use keyboard or joystick to move around the various sections offered.
As you go below the last one, as small arrow icon will appear, meaning that
you can leave the game. Scores or unlocked items are automatically saved to a
pooz.dat file that you should NOT delete unless you feel like losing all
scores of course :( In the main game, you can use ESC to quit or 'P' for PAUSE
tho this key is DISABLED in Time Attack for understandable purposes.
* CONTINUAL is the basic game. Move your player on the centered grid and
prevent pills from reaching you as long as possible ! If you face a pill of
the same color then 'space' will delete it from the board. Otherwise you can
swap this color and use it to delete another pill of the right color. A
counter is displayed on the upper left part of the screen and shows how many
pills need be deleted before you reach another level (as indicated on the
upper right part). As you reach the quota, the game speeds up hence adding a
challenging difficulty. That's when we'll see how good you are :)
* LEVEL : if you feel like adding more spice to the original game, you can go
for this option as you can set speed and pills height when game starts. A
harder challenge that only talented poozers should be able to face :)
* TIME ATTACK : unlike other modes here the grid is already filled with pills.
You are then given limited time (90 seconds as a start) to delete the special
pills, being the white ones. Easy isn't it ? Sure but next level brings
another board with 6 pills, then 8 and so on... Time will get a bit longer
later as you'll need at least 2 minutes when it comes to delete 10 pills and
more ! Remember that when you manage to complete ALL levels, you'll unlock a
very nice goodie :)
* TEAM : no surprise, now you have 2 cursors on screen ! Your goal is still to
delete as many pills as possible with no time limitation. However you have to
remember that once too many pills reach the centered grid, game is over. This
mode mostly plays like 'continual' as described above, tho I would like to add
that you can swap or delete pills THRU the other player, in other words you
don't have to face DIRECTLY a pill to be able to act on it. Good to mention I
believe :)
* VERSUS : if you goal remains unchanged, competition between players is now
raging ! Note that the first player can only delete the pills located above
and below while the second player can only delete pills on the left and right
sides. Still it is STRONGLY recommended that you 'steal' colors from the other
player to delete your own pills. Every time you delete one pill it spawns
another one on the opponent board. Hmm, nasty !!
* COMBO is undoubtedly the trickiest mode ! Before reaching the arena, you are
prompted to choose how many chains of X pills you want to reach. Say for
instance that you go for 4 chains of 3 pills. Then the first player who
manages to delete 3 pills in a row gets one chain and so on. BEWARE : if you
directly put two pills of the same color in touch, you delete them ! It means
that you'll have to be VERY smart to swap pills and delete them ONLY when the
required number is reached ! I guess it's gonna take you some time to get used
to it as this is the most challenging part of the game !
Being cool guys we decided to reward hardcore gamers with a few sweeties :) To
unlock most of them you'll only need to score a decent amount of points in the
various sections. The first cards won't be hard to unlock, others may be a bit
trickier but I swear that this is worth it ! As you reach the required score a
message will be displayed, inviting you to visit the LAB. Of course unlocked
cards are saved to disk so that you won't have to unlock them again. There are
9 cards and I can tell you that while some are only funny artwork, at least 3
of them are a true feast ! But you'll have to find out about it yourself :)
As you can guess this screen mostly displays the boring "who did what" things
as well as a few greetings to the people who have helped out and also shouts
to our Atari fellows.
These are ingame explanations, a bit like what I'm currently writing except
that you'll enjoy a few animations as well. Please note that you can use left
and right arrows to move to the previous or next page or 'space' to go back
to the main menu.
And after reading all this boring crap, you are
strongly invited to
download our game and send us some feedback to pooz@atari.org
Some boring history spreads here : at Outline 2004 Cooper showed Exocet and I
what he had done so far and we decided to redo most gfx to bring our best. We
didn't know that it would take us that long since more than one year and a
half has gone by already ! Above all we wanted to bring the BEST quality we
could and surely it implied more work than planned but with talented guys like
Cooper, Exocet or DmaSc you couldn't expect less. We hope that you'll enjoy the
final result and be grateful enough to send us some feedback.
DISCLAIMER : this game has been successfully tested on most ATARI computers,
sure we didn't give it a try on emulators or coffee machines so that if you
face a nasty bug - on the real thing - you are invited to flame us asap ! Note
that if you get drug addicted after playing the game or if your dog suddenly
dies... it's none of our business !
STS signing off